
Accessibility information for GP Practice Training Ltd e-learning training.

GP Practice Training Ltd are committed to ensuring that all courses are accessible. We use software to review the content to ensure that the learning is available to everyone. If you feel that we could improve on this, we will always welcome feedback and suggestions and will openly publish any used recommendations from our learners.

Our website is constructed in a manner where you can:

  • Change colours, contrast levels and fonts

  • Zoom in up to 300 times without distorting the text

  • Navigate most of the content using a keyboard or touch screen

  • Navigate most of the website using speech recognition software

  • Listen to most of the website using a screen reader

  • Use of simple easy to understand text

  • PDF's, presentations and documents screened by accessibility checker

How accessible is this website

We know that some part of our website are not accessible:

  • The text will not re-flow in a single column when you change the size of the browser window.

  • You can not modify the line height of the spacing.

  • The text in the course cannot be copied and pasted.

  • Some pages may have poor contrast of colour.

  • Some images do not have good alternative text.

  • There are no subtitles on the videos.

  • The course is online learning with no face to face training from the provider.

  • You need workplace support to complete competencies.


Making your device easier to use if you have a disability - click on the link below

What to do if you cannot access part of this website

If you need the information in a different form please contact us by using the email address below;

Accessibility Changes so far...

We have made these changes to our training in response to learner feedback

  • PDF documents are accessibility checked

  • Presentation material have been accessibility checked

  • The use of Alt Text for images used.

  • Language can be changed

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our learning, if you find any problems that are not listed or you have suggestions on how we can improve accessibility, please contact us on;

[email protected]

Action Date Next Due
First Statement May 2022 May 2023
Reviewed, PDF/Presentation/Alt Text accessibility added.  June 2023 June 2024
Language changes enabled September
June 2024